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Latest revision as of 15:54, 18 August 2009

AN: fangs to cadeus 4 da help!!! prepz if u don't like this go away


Obie took a lot of time 2 talk. It was about 10 minutes but it felt like 60. Anyway, me and Demen left da cantina and went into our spaceships

My spaceship was named the 666 satanprise. It was given 2 me from a young age by my dogfather captain Jean Pikard who used 2 b the capitan of the starshit be4 he died.

Me and Demen pilated our ships 2 the Moz Eisley Catina because their waz a My Chemical Romance concert playing their (if you don't lyk good charlotte den u r a prep go away). However when we got there we found out it wasn't MCP at all but instead Darth Faders band caled Darth Vader and teh darkst siths

Dark Vader was Demens Vather but he wanted 2 kill Demen becauze he wasn't part of da empirer. He saw us but he culdnt stop playin because he waz deadicated (C what I did? lol!) 2 his band so we ran away and hid from him.