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Number 20: Revolution 9

This is definitely the creepiest Beatles song of all time. I don't even know if it technically counts as a song, but I'll put it here anyway. Just the fact that they broke the mold of "song after song after song" by making it "song, song, song, SOUND COLLAGE, song" puts it on the list.

Number 19: She Loves You

It always fascinates me to know that The Beatles changed their style completely from a Poppy Rock n' Roll band to a psychedelic, revolutionary group. This is one of the best songs from their early years. I was going to put I Want to Hold Your Hand on here, but that awkward "and when I touch you" part just never did it for me.

Number 18: Here Comes the Sun

Wow, what a great way to open up an album side, the second side of Abbey Road, no less! This song is especially close to my heart because I heard it nearly all the time when I was like four or five. Ah, I love it!

Number 17: Tomorrow Never Knows

What I love about this song is that it feels as if The Beatles have finally opened up the door to psychedelia. I mean, they've written other trippy songs before, but nothing like this. It also closes Revolver, so it's basically saying "Oh, if you thought that was trippy, just wait and see what we've got next."

Number 16: Strawberry Fields Forever/Penny Lane

At first I thought I should only have one song from that amazing Double A side on this list. But then I thought, you know, these songs just work perfectly together, so why not just put them on the list together! And obviously that is what I did.

Number 15: Yellow Submarine

If noid was clenching his teeth before, he probably just shattered them in a fit of anger screaming "WHY WOULD HE PUT YELLOW SUBMARINE ABOVE PENNY LANE FNlkdsgnnk". Well I did it just to spite you. Well.PNG

Not really, though. I just really like this song. It's a great relief from the stressful songs on Revolver and it works great as a standalone song. This is a song people love to mock when they say they hate The Beatles, and call it childish. Such people should be killed.

Number 14: Stairway to Heaven

..............................naw just kidding