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Latest revision as of 00:16, 6 June 2009

There exists a world unlike yours or mine, a world where the rules, in essence, have changed. This place is a strange dimension, one teeming with creatures of all shapes and sizes, one covered in diverse landscapes stretching from every corner of the galaxy, one that we may never know. This land has been called Solsticia, the land where the sun dominates the skies above, where nary a day goes by without the sun's rays being impeded. This land is one of joy, harmony, and other such happy things. Local flora and fauna reflect the happy mood, being nonthreatening and nonviolent. A great place to live, by any means.

On the other side of the spectrum, however, lies a different land... one that exists on another plane, opposite of Solsticia. Known as Penumbria, this land is one of perpetual night. Violent, terrible creatures roam the land, gnashing their teeth and baring their claws in search of someone or something dumb enough to cross their path. The skies are dark and cloudy, with an almost-constant drizzle keeping things gloomy. Thunder booms every waking hour, lightning strikes those who don't take shelter... an awful kingdom, indeed.

Penumbria, unlike its kinder brother above it, is ruled over by a tyrannical being known only to the civilians as Masquerade. He commands Penumbria with a shadowy fist, using his Masker Army to take care of problems as soon as they start. The citizens of Penumbria have no choice but to bow down to Masquerade -- as failure to do so, if one were foolish enough to disrespect Masquerade in the first place, would result in a painful transformation into something otherworldly, something known as a Shadow Beast. Rest assured that nobody in their right mind would willingly want to become a Shadow Beast... Masquerade knows that as well as anybody else.

Big things come in small packages, as has been said. In one creature's case, he started out small. A Mook was strolling down a forest path in what is now Penumbria. Back then, of course, Penumbria was only a part of the then-larger Solsticia. Regardless, the Mook was on his way when he found himself smack dab in the middle of the forest. Now, Mooks aren't the smartest, as most know... this one fancied himself a smart one, however, so he decided to try and retrace his steps. It wasn't long, of course, before he got himself completely lost.

The Mook was in the middle of nowhere. Thick trees and bushes surrounded him on every side, wild animals teeming in the forest around him, making noises every once in a while that made him jump in fear. This Mook, however, also fancied himself a courageous one, so he ventured forth... only to trip on something in his path. The Mook got up, dusted himself off, and looked around for the offending object. Looking behind him, he found a stone mask.

The mask was a dull grey. Strange patterns were etched in its inside, while outside there were but two eye-holes and a line running vertically down the center. The Mook attempted to pick it up with mild success, as it was heavy. Regardless of his own safety, the Mook (after many, many attempts) finally got the mask off the ground. He inspected it and deigned it suitable to wear, and he placed it on his face.

Suddenly, the Mook was overcome with a chilling feeling. Out of the mask, a black mist started to envelop him. As the mist swirled around his body, the Mook could hear tortured screaming, could feel the cold grip of death, could smell brimstone and hellfire. The mist started to enter his mouth -- he tried to scream, but nothing came out but a frightened squeak. The mist had entered his system and was spreading. The Mook's skin turned to a pitch black as what felt like fire coarsed through his veins. His single eye burned as it turned a jaundiced yellow. His ears felt like they were being pulled off as they sharpened to a point. The Mook could feel the mask getting lighter as it started to meld with his body. The Mook couldn't scream, yet felt like he could do nothing more. His body was searing with pain, his joints aching, tears welling up in his eyes.

And then it stopped.