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{cuts to the lobby of a nice hotel. marissa is standing up, facing the camera directly}

YVONNE: Hello, tv owners of the world! Yvonne here with Yvonne hosts a reality show! And, to start, if anyone makes fun of my cruthes, you will be tracked down and shoved into this reality show? Now, back on bisness. Thirty unsuspecting people and creatures have been takes from three interlocking oralian towns. These people have nothing in common.

{cuts ot a kitchen. yvonne is standing here now}

YVONNE: In this show, everyone is goinjg to compete in insane challanges. Many of them will take place in the kitchen, and will show exactly how much these kids will be able to stand. Lets introduce our campers!

{cuts to in front of the hotel. a boat with ten doors on it comes up. yvonne opens the first door, and amber walks out of it.}

YVONNE: Amber! Great to see you!

AMBER: Wait, I wasn't going to the cheeses of the world convention?

YVONNE: All cheeses are in the kitchens refrigerated pantry. Hake your bags, and head up to room {tosses amber a key, which she catches} 301.

AMBER: Will do! {takes two red bags out of the small room she was in, walks offscreen. yvonne opens door two, and biala walks out}

YVONNE: Welcome, biala!

BIALA: Wasn't I just walking the dog?

YVONNE: {frowns} Um... sure. Hey, go meet up with the girl inside, and tell her to bring you to room 302. {hands biala a set of keys}

BIALA: Sounds like a plan! {grabs her bags, walks off. yvonne opens door three. etesay falls out of it, coughing}

ETESAY: This better be a good vacation. That room was stuffed with dust and mothballs.

YVONNE: {smiles} I know. Take your bags and go up to room 303! {puts a set of keys on etesays hair}

ETESAY: Is the room a dust trap?

YVONNE: This is a four star hotel.

ETESAY: Sweet! {grabs her bags, rushes offscreen. yvonne opens door four. a lot fo water spills out of it, along with kalt. a bag is glued to his arm}

YVONNE: Oh, you are gonna be the best camper here! Take yourself up to room 304! {gives kalt a set of keys}

KALT: I've never been to the international squid convention before! {rushes offscreen}

YVONNE: That kid has issues. {opesn door five. maloa walks out}

MALOA: Hey! I signed up for teaching fencing classes!

YVONNE: No you did not. Hey, go up to room 305. {gives maloa a set of keys. he walks offscreen. yvonne opens door six. marissa walks out of it}

MARISSA: I'm not meeting Patricia reilly giff, am I?

YVONNE: Nope! You should know to read the fine print!

MARISSA: Oh. Right.

YVONNE: You get room 306. {hands marissa a set of keys.}

MARISSA: This is slightly weird, but ok. {takes the keys and her bags, walks offscreen}

YVONNE: Oh, yeah. Did I forget ot mention the stairs are blocked and the elevators stuck? {opens door seven. nicholas wheels himself out}

NICHOLAS: Hey, yvonne!

YVONNE: ...How did you know my name?

NICHOLAS: The sign up contract has the fine print. I knew I was signing up for a reality show!

YVONNE: To room 307 with you! {tosses nicholas a set of keys, which he catches. he then grabs his bags, and walks offscreen. yvonne then opens door eight nola walks out} Look! The runt of the kids!

NOLA: ...I'm an adult.

YVONNE: Of course you are. {tosses nola a set of keys, which lands on his hat} Go up to room 308!

NOLA: I really have no clue waht this is all about. {walks offscreen}

YVONNE: He will soon enough. {opens door nine. pablo walks out}

PABLO: Are you the manager of this hotel?


PABLO: Then I want a great room!

YVONNE: Here. Have room 309. {tosses pablo a set of keys, which he catches with his mouth. he walks into the tiny room, and then comes out of it riding a rolling backpack}

PABLO: {muffled} Weee!

{yvonne opens door ten. pinky walks out of it}

PINKY: Hey, yvonne! Did you get my message about my watermelon allergy?

YVONNE: Sort of! Hoy, go up to room 310. {gives pink a st of keys}

PINKY: Thanks, I guess. {grabs her bags, walks offscreen}

YVONNE: I was originally going to help them out with the stairs, but I want to see what they do about it. All I can see from here is that the kdis messed up the revolving door.

{the screen pans to show the revolving door. kalt is in one completely covered portion, asleep. everyone but him, amber, biala, and etesay are in teh group of kids pushing the door. cuts to inside. amber id repeatedly pushinh the elevator button.}

ETESAY: Face it, the elevator's stuck.

AMBER: Can't we just keep trying?

{yvonne walks in. she punches in a number on a keypad next to an elevator that produces sound, and the door opens. the kids walk towards it, but yvonne stops them}

YVONNE: You need to fix your own elevator. This is for employees only.

{the elevator door closes}

AMBER: So, she's leaving us in the lobby?

BIALA: The code is 1941.

ETESAY: How did you figure that out?

BIALA: Those tones were from touch tone dialing. We'll just wait for a bit to open the door.

{cuts to inside the revolving door. the kids get the door to begin moving}

PINKY: We're getting there!

{suddenly, kalt flies into the building, and the revolving door begins spinning fast. kids are seen being flung into the building. cuts to the elevator. etesay punches one key on the keypad, and the door opens. kalt flies in, and the four fling into the elevator. the other six kids folow. after the last kid gtets in the door closes. cuts ot inside the elevator. everyone is struggling for space}

KALT: {yawns} Good morning.

PINKY: You are going down.

KALT: Why?

PABLO: You blocked the way in.

KALT: I got bored, and fell asleep.

AMBER: You have issues.

KALT: Anyone want some {holds up a roll of cheese} mozzarella?

ETESAY: Actually, I- {the door opens, and the kids pool out of it, screaming. cuts to a hallway with five doors on either side. an elevator door opens, and the kids fall out of it. amber looks at the door closest to the elevator}

AMBER: Room 301! {takes her key, opens the door. pulls in her bags}

YVONNE: {on a loudspeaker} Attention everyone. Unpack your bags, and get to the pool in 20 minutes.

PABLO: Got it!

{as everyone stands up, the screen fades to a black.}

Bagging a victory

{cuts to the pool. everyone is sitting on the pool edge in a swim suit. yvonne is sitting on a pool chair}

YVONNE: Okay, this is going to be the meeting room for challanges.

PABLO: Does that mean...

YVONNE: Yep! Your first challenge is, I hid nine bread bags in the most unlikely places all over the hotel. Some will require going to extremes to find them, like breaking into unauthorized rooms, and crawling into unfinished rooms of the hotel. These bags represent a win. You win if you fin a bread bag, and bring it back here.

PINKY: Wait, you said there were nine bags, ten people.

YVONNE: Yeah, the person who doesn't find a bread bag gets out of this hotel and gets sent back home.

AMBER: Instant elimination?

YVONNE: I would get running if I were you, cause the game starts now.

{everyone but marissa rush off}

YVONNE: And you didn't run why?

MARISSA: 'Cause I didn't want to be on a reality show! {jumps in the pool}

{cuts to a hallway with a small window showing the pool through it. a snack machine is there. amber and biala walk in.}

AMBER: So, it's agreed neither of us want to stay here?


AMBER: Anyways, I'm getting a soda. {takes a dollar bill out of her pocket. she puts it in, and pushes a button. A clunk is heard, and she grabs a red soda. she looks at the coin slot.} Huh.

BIALA: What?

AMBER: I got no change, and a soda's 75 cents.

BIALA: Lets see if the machines stuck. {takes a paperclip out of her pocket bends it so its straight. sticks it in the coin slot. when she pulls it out, a bread bad is stuck on it.}

AMBER: Oh... it was just a... {grabs the bag, rushes offscreen} {quickly} bread bag!

BIALA: ...Ok!

{cuts to the pool. marissa is swimming around frantically. amber comes in}

AMBER: I got a bread bag!

YVONNE: You got the one from the drink machine, didn't you?


MARISSA: Good for you. Have you seen my necklace? It came off!

AMBER: Um... There it is! {points at a filter. marissa jumps out of the water, and opens thee filter top. she pulls otu the necklace, along with a slightly clear sheet}

MARISSA: Bread bag!

YVONNE: You two can feel free to swim.

{marissa and amber high five. cuts to the kitchen. maloa and etesay walk in}

MALOA: Are you sure there's going to be a bread bag in here?

ETESAY: This is a chef we're talking about. There's bound to be one in here.

MALOA: {darts his eyes to either side, begins walking towards the pantry}

ETESAY: What are you doing?

MALOA: Getting us bread bags! {closes the pantry door}

ETESAY: How do you know there are any in there?!?

{maloa walks out of the pantry, holding a blue box. he takes two bags out of it, handing one to etesay. he then puts the box away}

MALOA: We're cheating our way to the end.

ETESAY: Thats bad, unfair, awful, easy, and fun. Let's do it!

{the two begins walking out of the kitchen. then etesay stops.}

MALOA: What?

ETESAY: We should wait, so she will believe us.

MALOA: And what will we do in the meantime?

ETESAY: Um... Arcade!

{the two rush off. cuts to the front desk. pablo walks up}

PABLO: Hello. I would like to repost that there was a girl running around the hotel, hiding bread bags.

MAN AT FRONT DESK: You must be talking about yvonne. She has been doing it for some challange.

PABLO: Oh... right... thanks, anyways. {walks off}

{cuts to biala walking up the stairs}

BIALA: So, if my partner ran out on me, how will the blind girl get a bread bag?

PINKY: {walking down the stairs, stops} You had no luck, either?

BIALA: {stops walking} No luck.

PINKY: How many people have found bags?

BIALA: By from what I know, only 1 person.

YVONNE: {heard over the loudspeaker} Attention everyone. Four people have already found bags. You have to speed up!


PINKY: What is wrong with you?


PINKY: I have a plan. We'll team up. If we are the last two, I'll let you win.

BIALA: {calmer} Sounds like a plan.

{cuts to a bellhop. pablo walks up}

PABLO: Have you seen a small girl with crutches hiding bread bags?

BELLBOY: That must be yvonne. Those are for a reality show.

PABLO: Thanks anyways. {walks off}

{cuts to a hallway. nola is here, with a paper clip, lockpicking a door. biala and pinky walk in}

PINKY: Why are you lock picking doors?

NOLA: I figured that finding bread bags would be too easy. So, I'm checking locked rooms.

BIALA: Did you find any?

NOLA: Nope. And door 219 has a broken key hole.

PINKY: Ok... {the two walk off}

{cuts to anohter portion of the hall. pinky bends down, and looks in one key hole}

PINKY: That's crumpled plastic, if I've ever seen it.

BIALA: What will we do?

PINKY: I'll be right back. {runs offscreen. after a few seconds, nola can be heard screaming. pinky walks back in, with a paper clip. she sticks it in the keyhole, and tugs it out. the crumpled bread bags on the end}

BIALA: ...So, can I take this one?

PINKY: It's all yours.

{biala grabs the bag, and runs off. nola walks in}

NOLA: Give me back my paperclip.

PINKY: Biala already has it.

YVONNE: {on a loud speaker} Congrats! You guys have found the five easy ones! Now, it'll be interesting to see you guys on the multiple security cameras in the pool.


{cuts to pablo}

PABLO: Huh?!?

{cuts to nicholas}


{cuts to kalt. he shrugs. the camera zooms out, to show he's in a tank. You cant actually see wahts in the container, but septic is written on the side. cuts to the pool. the wall behing where yvonne was sitting now has many screens on it}

MARISSA: The kids in the septic tank?

YVONNE: Woah. That's one huge idiot.

MALOA: You can't blame him. There's always some episode involving the septic tank.

{cuts to nicholas's hotel room. nicholas is packing everything}

NICHOLAS: They all have a better chance then I have. {looks at a nearly completely dirt covered shirt on his bed} I should wash that. {grabs it, rolls out of the room.}

{cuts to pinky walking down the hall. she looks at her camera.}

PINKY: Woah! I have to get these on my computer! {rushes off}

Scamming the scammer

{cuts to a room with a few washing machines in it. a woman is here, in a hotel employe uniform. pablo walks in}

PABLO: Have you seen a little girl putting bread bags anywhere in the hotel?

WOMAN: Actually, There was a-

{pinyk rushes in, holding her laptop. she kicks pablo out of the room}

PINKY: My camera's broken!

WOMAN: And what should I do?

PINKY: Can you help me?

{pinky pu ts the laptop on top of the machine. the woman takes off the camera. she pulls a bag out of it}

WOMAN: This may be the problem.

PINKY: THANK YOU SO MUCH! {grabs the bag, rushes out}

WOMAN: {yelling} Don't you want your laptop?

{nicholas wheels himself in}

NICHOLAS: How much will it cost me to use a washing maching?

WOMAN: It's free.

NICHOLAS: That's good. {puts the dirt covered shirt in a non-runnign machine. he turns it on}

WOMAN: How dirty was that shirt?

NICHOLAS: More dirty than-

{kalt runs by, holding a bread bag. him and the bag are covered in a greenish liquid}


{nola walks in}

NOLA: Hey, nicky. Mind if I throw my hat in?


NOLA: Kalt ran by me.

{nicholas opens the machine, and throws in the hat. he stops, and looks in the machine. he pulls out a bread bag}

NICHOLAS: ...This was on my shirt?

NOLA: Seems that way. I guess it's me and pablo fighting to continue.

NICHOLAS: Yep! {rushes off}

WOMAN: Who are you people, and why do you want bread bags?

NOLA: Long not-long story.

{pablo walks in}

PABLO: We need them to stay here.

WOMAN: This hotel makes less sence every day.

YVONNE: {on the loudspeaker} Armless. Limbless. You two are the last two standing!

PABLO: We know!

YVONNE: Oh... good luck!

{the woman gets a confused expression, and walks off}

NOLA: Hey, good luck!

PABLO: I don't need your chants! I know I will wi- {nola kicks pablo into the washing machine, and closes the door. he walks off} {muffled} Bastard!

{cuts to the pool. nola walks in}

YVONNE: Where's your bag?

NOLA: Actually, pablo locked himself in the washing machine out of frustration. I guess I won by default.

YVONNE: That is a bad machine! You nine can stay, as we escort scammito bandito out of the building. {walks off}

PINKY: ...You locked him in the machine.

NOLA: I don't play easy.

{the screen fades off}