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Latest revision as of 22:18, 15 January 2009

{Open to the living room of Badstar's mansion}

EDWARD: I do say! This is highly undignifying! Out of all the things could be doing, I'm reviewing a silly japanese cartoon!

BADSTAR: Will you just shut up...? Anyway, today we'll be reviewing The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya, with the help of... SPECIAL GUEST STARS!

{Long pause.}

KYUBII: ...They're not here, are they?

BADSTAR: Maybe they're just arriving. Lets check the front.

{Everybody walks out. GSM walks in}

GSM: Hello? ...Has the review started yet?

{An orange glow forms below GSM}

GSM: What the-

{Flames bursts out of the ground where GSM is standing.}

{Cut to the front yard}

GILLIGAN: Can't see them...

{All of a sudden, GSM is sent flying through the roof, on fire}

GSM: OH HOLY HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLlllllllllllll.........

BADSTAR: I think they're here...

{Cut to the living room. Bell, Sarah, Tracy, MB, Don Skull, and Daigo walk in}

{Everybody (except GSM) walks in}

BADSTAR: And these are our guests! {Takes a deep breath} Bell, Sarah, Tracy, Mature Bling, Don Skull, and... Diego?


IM A BELL: It's Japanese for 5th. You know, since he's the fifth skullbuggy.

BADSTAR: Ahhhhhhhhhhh-


BADSTAR: Fine, fine. Well, were should we start? Story, Characters, Voice Acting, Soundtrack, or Animation?

IM A BELL: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Story?

KYUBII: Sounds good to me!

ESTELLE: Well, the story is about this girl named Haruhi. She has different beliefs then other people and is easily bored by normal things. The main plot is that the main character, Kyon, meets Haruhi and they talk everyday and Kyon seems to be the only one to get a conversation out of her. Then one day, Haruhi gets the idea start a club. Then... the plot gets pretty confusing from there.

IM A BELL: Well, Haruhi gets a club room, already containing a club member, Yuki, captures a girl, Mikuru, steal-ACQUIRES a computer from the computer club, and then she captures another person, Itsuki. And then everybody but Haruhi reveals to Kyon that they are not normal humans, and Itsuki says Haruhi is a God that can create pocket universes containing freakish, glowing beasts. Oh, and at one point Haruhi and Kyon get stuck in one of the pocket universes and Kyon kisses her to get them out of it and oh God I've gone crosseyed.

BADSTAR: Oh, and Mikurus from the future, Yuki is an alien, and Itsuki is an esper.

IM A BELL: And Haruhi has absolutely no common sense.

EDWARD: Even though I am not a fan of anime {Pronounces it "anne-im"}, I have to admit the plot is very interesting and highly enjoyable, but the downside is that it is dreadfully confusing and awfully hard to catch up with.

IM A BELL: And that's because you don't like anime.

BADSTAR: Well, I have to admit the plot is kinda confusing and can be hard to catch up with at times. So for the story... I say an 8.

IM A BELL: Yeah, I'd say an 8 as well.

BADSTAR: Okay, now lets move on to the... characters?

IM A BELL: Okay. Haruhi is, as I said, a God with no common sense. She does not know she is a God, and she rarely listens to Kyon's advice, unless it will make things WORSE. Oh, and apparently she create the universe three years before the series begins.

BADSTAR: Now lets move on to Kyon, the main character. The series takes place through Kyon's point of view. Kyon is, in a way, the voice of reason, yet Haruhi hardly ever listens to him. Kyon is always getting exhausted and fed up with Haruhi's personality, and he considers being a member of the SOS brigade "a neverending hell".

IM A BELL: Interestingly, Kyon has been the subject of many insane theories, such as "Kyon is Haruhi's opposite sex clone", "Kyon is Mikuru's brother", and "Kyon is the God, not Haruhi".

KYUBII: Thats... pretty damn weird. Though that first one may be true... anyway, lets move on to... Itsuki. Now, a lot of people hate Itsuki, but... I don't know what they're whining about. I actually really like this guy!

TRACY: I'd say it's because many people prefer KyonxMikuru instead of KyonxHaruhi and ItsukixMikuru. Also, he's pretty much always happy, like Gin from Bleach. anyways, Itsuki is an ESPer, which is a being that can do anything ending in -kinesis. He belongs to an agency of ESPers, who are dedicated to destroying the pocket universes Haruhi creates, and the creatures inside them.

GILLIGAN: Now we'll move on to Mikuru, who is-

KYUBII: A whore.

GILLIGAN: ...what?

KYUBII: Oh, come on, she's a ho! I mean, whenever Haruhi sexually assaults her, she doesn't try to stop her! She just waits for Kyon to do something! Yeah, sometimes she'll raise an-


KYUBII: but thats about it! Doesn't that sound kinda suspicous?

GILLIGAN: {Sigh} Anyway, Mikuru is a time traveller who goes to the past for... self-discovery or something. Anyway, she soon becomes a member of the SOS brigade just because she's attractive.

TRACY: And Haruhi thinks her moeness will attract odd happenings.

BADSTAR: And last but not least, theres Yuki. Yuki is an alien/android created 3 years before the series. She was sent down to earth to observe Haruhi. She spends practically all the time reading and she doesn't talk much.

TRACY: And at the end of The Day of Sagittarius, it appears she becomes addicted to a video game created by the Computer Club, as she is moving her fingers across a book in a way that seems like typing on a keyboard.

BADSTAR: Okay, so thats all the main characters. Now what rating do we give this one?

TRACY: I'd say... 9.


EDWARD: Shut up. Nobody likes you.

{SkullB slinks off.}

SARAH: ...Wait, what?

GILLIGAN: Edward... you're not really british are you?

BADSTAR: I also say 9. Although the 5 mains are really entertaining and great to watch, some minors tend to be a little annoying. Now lets move on to... voice acting. I gotta be honest, this is possibly one of the best english anime dubs I've ever heard.


BADSTAR: Theres not really much to say here. Kyon's voice is perfect, Haruhi's is perfect, Mikuru's is... good. Anyway, I don't really have any complaints here. This dub is pretty much flawless.


BADSTAR: So for the voice acting... I say a 10.


DAIGO: ...Edward, if we don't like anime, why are we even HERE?

EDWARD: ... {Loses accent completly} Oh god, you're right. Come on, lets go get a beer... {Walks out}

DAIGO: Got it. {follows Edward}

BADSTAR: ...Errr, anyway... what next?

MATURE BLING: What have we said so far?

BADSTAR: Hmmm... well, we've done the voice acting, story, characters... I think all thats left is soundtrack and animation.

MATURE BLING: ...Okay, animation, then.

TRACY: ...Do we rate fanservice, too?

SARAH: ... {leaves} Hey, Daigo! Ed! Wait for me!

KYUBII: {sigh} COME BACK, WE'RE NOT RATING THE FANSERVICE. {Whispers to the others except Shiela.} Later, guys...

{Sarah comes back}

TRACY: Got it.


TRACY: Right.

BADSTAR: ...Its animation. ...Good animation. ... {Scratches back of head} Ummm... I don't know what else to say.

DON SKULL: ...Me neither.

BADSTAR: Um... 9. ...Anyway, last but not least, the soundtrack. Now, were only going to be doing the opening song and Hare Hare Yukai, because this series has seriously, a whole lot of songs.

TRACY: Yes, yes it does.

BADSTAR: Anyway, lets start with the opening song, Bouken Desho Desho. Well, what did you guys think of this song? Personally, its one of my favorites from the show.

TRACY: Yes, yes it is. And, the translation of the title kinda fits with the series. "It's An Adventure, Right? Right?" If you say it like this; ...It's an adventure, right? ...RIGHT? It sounds like something Haruhi would say.

BADSTAR: So, this song is great and the singer is amazing too. Now to possibly one of the most well known songs from the show... Hare Hare Yukai.

TRACY: ...Oh yes. The Hare Hare Yukai. ... {pulls out a boombox, mashes Play. Hare Hare Yukai starts playing. Badstar, Gilligan, and Tracy start doing the Hare Hare Yukai dance}

KYUBII: Um... a-anyway... this song like most of the songs from the series is awesome. Whats cooler, is that each character, ranging from Itsuki to Kyon's Sister has a different version of this song. ...Aw, screw it, I'm gonna join them. You cover this, Bell. {Starts joining in the dance}

IM A BELL: ...BAH. {joins in with the dance. Everybody else starts dancing along with them}

{cut to the streets of the town. Everybody is doing the Hare Hare Yukai dance. SkullB walks in, not dancing. He pauses for a second, and then walks off. Cut to a wall. We can see SkullB's shadow on the wall. There is a noose and a stool beside him. He gets up on the stool, puts his head through the noose, kicks the stool out from under him, and hangs himself. Cut back to everyone at the mansion}

BADSTAR: Anyway, lets go over the overall score. I'll start. Ahem...


Good: The story is creative and exciting. Its also pretty fun, too.

Bad: The story is a little confusing, and can be hard to catch up with.

Rating: 8/10

DON SKULL: Me next.


Good: The characters are pretty original, and not at all ordinary.

Bad: Two words: MARY SUES

Rating: 9/10

DEMYX: I call soundtrack!


Good: A lot of the songs are livley and fun, and great to dance to. The singers are amazing too.

Bad: Nothing. This soundtrack is great and doesn't really need improving.

Rating: 10/10



Good: ...It's neat, I guess?

Bad: ...I dunno.

Rating:' 8/10

GSM: {Crashes through roof, on fire.} V-voice acting......

GILLIGAN: {Faintly heard} What the crap?

Voice Acting

Good: Near perfect. Possibly one of the best english dubs out there.

Bad: Some of the voices can be annoying at times, such as Mikuru's.

Rating: 10/10

{GSM passes out}

IM A BELL: ...Okay, that's it. What do we give it overall?

BADSTAR: I'd say... A nine out of ten!

IM A BELL: Same.

BADSTAR: The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya is a great anime and one of the most creative. Its hillarious, exciting, the musics great. Unless you're uncomfortable towards fanservice {COUGHWUSSIESCOUGH} ot don't like anime, watch it now.


DAIGO:{drunk} Hhey, Sar'h. I'll give ya five bucks if you take yer shirt off.

SARAH:{also drunk} H'okay. {starts to lift up her shirt}


DAIGO: ...You're an assh-