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The Story

In a land known by no name, there exists a colosseum; one so grand that a bustling city was built around it. This city was called the Forum. The Forum was a land of peace for decades... until they came.

A group of rogues from parts unknown had invaded the Forum, and taken the leader captive. The captain of the rogues, named Turk, has set up a "tournament" of sorts in the colosseum, one that pits warriors against eachother in a battle of life and death. Turk was pleased by the senseless killing, and saw to it that every day at least one person would die.

The people were outraged. They immediately called for an uprising. However, the rogues were too powerful, and Turk smote those who tried to defy his new rule. The people's rage was quelled... for now. A small group of rebels emerged under the radar, a group set on destroying Turk's reign.

These warriors trained under the masters of all martial arts known to them, training to the point where they were considered masters. One, Tiberius, excelled in the art of swordplay. Another, Claudius, was an expert in the ways of wrestling. And the third, Nero, mastered in hand-to-hand combat. All three hailed over the rebel alliance.

And then there was you. You are the one destined to train under the three masters, the one destined to take down Turk and his rogue army. But it depends... can you win in the COLOSSEUM?