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Elemania is a small island, inhabited by small creatures known as Elemen. They've lived simple lifestyles, farming and socializing. Not much happened there. The communities there mostly kept to themselves, and they were rather tightly knit, and everything was organized and things rarely went awry, and when they did, the incident was usually worked out easily. They were generally very peace-favoring creatures, because that was all they knew.

Things proceeded like this for a very long time, because the outside world was unaware of this island. Those who set sail were never heard from again; this scared the Elemen, and future attempts were few. And for some reason, the mainland nations never found the island.


One day, washed up on the shore, is the wreckage of a foreign structure; a boat. And not just any boat; this boat was not crafted by an Elemen. The workmanship was completely foreign. Interesting. So the Elemen decide to set up a system where they regularly monitor the surrounding sea for anything new. Oh, they found something alright. Another boat, this one operational, was sailing towards Elemania, but the sole passenger had nothing but malevolent intentions.


A powerful, hostile entity, Xagros, completely obliterated the patrolling ships, and continued sailing on to Elemania. After an awful demonstration of his powers there, he declared himself dictator over the island. He spawned new, artificial elemen- monsters if you will- that not only spied on the residents, but needlessly attacked them as well. He did a lot of things to the residents through these monsters while he hid away and watched from a deep, secluded cavern, heavily guarded.

Kanoska, a young Elemen with a no-nonsense personality, grew up only vaguely aware of the surrounding havoc. His hometown had been left alone for as far back as he remembered. But eventually, Xagros noticed the unharmed target, and aroused powerful, cave-dwelling monsters to lay waste to the town. Kanoska showed great talent in fighting and was able to fend off a few of the monsters. But, too little, too late. His village was utterly destroyed.

He swore revenge. He worked tirelessly for months, helping out the distressed citizens, and fighting through assemblies of monsters. Eventually, Kanoske got to the heart of Xagros' lair. The battle was close. Xagros was dispatched, but he escaped before the final blow was struck.

It was an unfortunate setback; what if Xagros returned? But there was nothing for Kansoka to do about that. So, finished off the remaining monsters, and with nothing else to do on Elemania, he set sail, and left to explore other islands. Where is he now? Is he still alive? Nobody knows, but if anyone could survive the treacherous unknown world, Kanoska could.

In time, without Xagros' presence, the island rebuilt itself. As far as everyone knew, the monsters were wiped out entirely. But Xagros did have lasting impact on the island. The inhabitants had been united against Xagros, and were no longer isolated social groups. Their unity no longer had a purpose, though, and they grew restless. A main issue was the new rulership of the island. It looked like it would be tough to restore the previous way of life.

Two major groups emerged. Darfonians believed Elemania would be safe under a strict, orderly rule. However, the second group, Litsilians, believed it was best to let the island recover on its own, even if in the short run, things would be nasty. Most Elemen agreed with the approach of the latter group. However, tensions between the two groups rose. Rumors spread of arms build-up among, not just the Darfonians, but the Litsilians as well. This deterred a good amount of the Elemen population, and they avoided association with these groups. However, a majority still stuck with one party or another. Despite these tensions, however, it looked as if war were still out of reach.

But that was about to change...