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Latest revision as of 04:04, 1 August 2008

You are at the Police Station. This is usually where criminals are held, but lately nobody's been able to catch any. Sitting at the front desk is Zippy, where he is half asleep. Ask him about information regarding criminals, if you'd like.

Go To...


{Zippy snoozes at his desk. A small puddle of drool is starting to form. Jerry and Myself walk in.}

JERRY: Zippy!

ZIPPY: Wuh- AAH! Don't scare me like that!

JERRY: Oh, sorry. So, yeah. The robbery. You know anything about it?

ZIPPY: Oh, yeah! I got a file about that just a few minutes ago. It says here that over five thousand dollars were stolen from the account of one Robin Banks. The robber left nothing at the crime scene--or so we think. To help you out, I'm giving you this.

{Zippy hands Jerry a small box.}

JERRY: And this is...?

ZIPPY: A fingerprinting kit. Use it to find fingerprints.

JERRY: Ah, gotcha.

ZIPPY: Now get yourselves over to the bank.

JERRY: Well, Myself? Any questions?

{shows Myself, wearing goggles, adjusting her portal gun,looks up}

MYSELF: Uhhh,nope.

JERRY: ... Okay, then. To the bank!

{Jerry runs out of the building.}